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Senior Staff


Dr. Richard C. S. Morling BSc (Hons) PhD, CEng FIEE, MIEEE

received the BSc (honors) in Physics from the Polytechnic of Central London in 1971 and the PhD in Information Engineering from the City University in 1989. He joined the staff of the University of Westminster in 1971. He is currently the Head of the Department of Electronic Systems.

His research activities have included packet-switching local area networks, discrete-time signal processing structures, aircraft breaking systems, design methodologies for integrated circuit design, sigma-delta conversion techniques and teaching methods in electronic engineering. He is currently working on the low-power integrated circuit design for mobile communication systems and hearing aids.

Dr. Ediz Cetin BEng (Hons), PhD, MIEEE, MIEE

received his BEng (hons) in Control and Computer Engineering (1996) and the PhD degree (2002), both from the University of Westminster, London. He is currently a senior post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Westminster.

His research interests include rapid prototyping of low-power digital signal processor architectures, blind signal processing for communication aplications, flexible-communication reciever desing, silicon system design, decimation filters for Sigma-Delta CODECs, DSP-processor design for WLAN applications and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

Dr. Yacine ADANE

received the Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Science and Technology University, Algiers (Algeria) in 1999. From the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI), Paris, France, he obtained his Master’s Degree in 2001 and his PhD in Electrical Engineering with great honours in 2004. Preparing his PhD, he worked as doctoral researcher at France Télécom (France) from 2001 to 2004 where he developed fast and efficient algorithms for near field evaluation of base station antennas. In 2005, he started working as post-doctoral researcher at Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada) where he was involved in developing custom RF hardware for GNSS receivers and simulators. In 2008 he joined De Montfort University as KTP associate in partnership with Nottingham Scientific LTD. where he successfully designed several RF solutions for single frequency and multi-frequency GNSS receivers. He is currently a research fellow at the ADVRG group where he is working on the development of test receiver platform for GNSS signals. He has authored more than 25 papers in many journals and conferences in GNSS, RF and antennas field. In 2004, he received the best student paper at the IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (France) and in 2009 his project won the Innovation Lord Stafford Award that took place in East Midland (UK).

Dr. Pari Jahankhani BSc (Hons) PhD, CEng FIEE, MIEEE

Academic qualifications: PhD: Development of a Decision Support Framework for Electroencephalography (EEG) Signals Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AFINN) System. MPhil: Computational Fluid Dynamics BSc: Computing, Mathematics

• Signal processing • Artificial Neural Networking: • Mathematical and Statistical modelling Research activity and expertise is in the area of neural networks with emphasis to biomedical applications where she has contributed to few book chapters on Data Mining and has many cited conference and Journal publications.

Dr. David Lancaster

Dr. Artur Krukowski MSc, PhD, MIEEE, Sigma, Mensa

received his MSc (1993) and the PhD in DSP (1999), both from the University of Westminster. He started at the University of Westminster in 1993 as a Researcher and since 2001 as a permanent member of the Research Staff.

His areas of interest include Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing for Telecommunication Systems, digital filter design and their efficient low-level implementation, VLSI design, Digital Audio/Video Broadcasting, Teleconferencing and Advanced Teaching Technologies.

Professor Steve Morris, MIEEE, MIEE

Director of R & D, ULP Communications Division Zarlink Semiconductor

His research interests are mixed-signal CMOS IC design, methodologies for mixed-signal and SoC design, DSP and data converters in CMOS technology.


Emeritus Prof. Ron Leigh HND (EE), MSc (Maths), PhD (Control), FIEE, FIMA

studied in Sheffield, London and Cambridge. He was Head of Control Systems Research at British Steel Corporate Engineering Labs, Battersea until joining Polytechnic of Central London in 1973. He initiated new courses and research in control systems and went on to establish and direct the Industrial Control Centre and the Industry-supported Advanced Control Club .His last appointment was Post-Above-Reader, responsible for initiating University-wide research projects His research interests include adaptive, learning and robust system design and state estimation for application to real systems; mathematical modelling of complex situations; solutions implemented through neural nets or genetic programming.


Professor Vedat Tavsanoglu, Senior Member IEEE
Professor of Circuits & Signal Processing.

Teaching Interests : Image Processing, Neural Networks, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Filters and Circuit Theory
Research Interests : Cellular Neural Networks, Image Processing and Digital Filters.


Visiting Researchers


Dr Cihan Ercan


Dr Evren Cesur


Dr. Pasin Israsena MEng MSc PhD, MIEEE

graduated with an MEng in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, University of London, UK in 1996. He received his MSc from Durham University and the PhD from the University of Warwick, UK, respectively in 1999 and 2001. He is currently a researcher at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) in Thailand.

His research interests are in the areas of low power VLSI digital signal processing for wireless systems. Since January 2005, he has been a visiting researcher at ADVRG working on a low power Viterbi Decoder.

Mr. Yasutaka Haga BSEE, MSc

received the Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, United States, in 1996. After achieving his BSEE, he worked as a hardware engineer at Yazaki Europe Limited for the automotive electronics industry for 6 years. He then entered to the University of Westminster and completed his MSc degree in VLSI System Design in 2004. He is currently a visiting researcher from Rohm LSI Systems of Kyoto, Japan.

His research interests include low-voltage low-power analogue integrated circuit design.

Dr Ahfir Maamar Enginner, Magister

received his `Ingeniorat` in (1990) and `Magistere` in (1997) in Electronics, both from the University of BLIDA (ALGERIA). He is currently Lecturer at University of LAGHOUAT (ALGERIA).

His areas of interests include room acoustics, acoustic/audio/electroacoustic signal processing and inverse filtring.

Dr. Taoufik Bourdi

His research interests include DSP for communication and biomedical applications, and RF IC design.

He is currently working for California based Wireless RF IC design company called Jaalaa Inc.

Dr. Jaswinder Lota, BSc, MSc, PhD

obtained his B.Sc from the National Defence Academy, Pune, India in 1988. Joined the Indian Navy in the Electrical Engineering branch in Jan 89 and obtained his B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) in 1991 from Naval College of Engineering Lonavla, India. Was sponsored by the Navy to do Masters (M.Tech-Radar & Communication Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1997. Has experience of progressive responsible positions with the Navy with expertise in Naval Systems, system planning/development & contract management and was last appointment as Deputy Director Electrical Engineering -Electronic Warfare Systems, at Naval Headquarters New Delhi. Presently doing his PhD in signal-delta based signal processing.

His areas of interest include Sigma-Delta ADC, DSP and signal processing applications for Sonar, Radar and Communication systems.


Dr. Boray Tek

received his BSc in Electrical Engineering from Baskent University and his MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He was computer vision researcher with Tubitak/Bilten, Ankara, Turkey between 2000 and 2003. He has finished PhD research on Computerized Diagnosis of Malaria in Electronics at the Department of Electronics Systems, University of Westminster, London. Currently he is working at ISIK University, Istanbul, Turkey.

His research areas are Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition.

Dr. Flavio Cannavo Eng.

graduated (cum laude) from University of Catania - Engineering Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering in 2003. He is currently PhD Student in Electronic and Automation Engineering at the University of Catania, Department of Electric, Electronic and Systems Engineering (DIEES).

His research interests include non linear modelling and time series prediction. In particular he is interested in modelling complex systems (such as environmental pollution, chaotic series and mind processes) by using hybrid techniques developed in different scientific areas as artificial intelligence and signal processing.

Dr. Oyku Akaydin

Mr. David Willingham BEng (Hons) MIEE

His research interests include low-power custom architectures employing asynchronous and adiabatic charge recovery techniques for DSP communication and biomedical applications.

He is currently working with ARM.


Mr. Mustafa Taskaldiran

received his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering plus in Physics from the Bogazici University (double major) in 2002, and an MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Bogazici University in 2004. He worked as an internship engineer at Engineering Computers Electronics and Advanced Technologies Corporation (TEKNOBIL) (2002), Siemens (2001), all in Istanbul.

His research areas include Channel Coding (Turbo Codes), Low-power DSP design, and Artificial Neural Networks.

Mr. Ali Telli BSc, MSc

received his BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Hacettepe University in 1998, and his MSc degree in Electrical&Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University in 2001, Ankara - Turkey. His master thesis title was "CMOS RF Passive Components Modeling and Low Noise Amplifier Design". Between 1998-2000, he worked at ASELSAN Inc.- Microwave and Systems Technologies Group-Radar Systems Engineering Department as a "hardware systems engineer". In 2000, he joined to The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), and till 2001, he worked with Communication and Computer Networks Group as a "senior research engineer". In 2001, he started to work as a "know how transfer team communication subsystem responsible engineer" for TURKEY's first Low Earth Orbit (LEO) earth observation satellite, BILSAT-1 at Surrey Satellite Technologies Limited, in Guildford, UK. Since 2003, he is working with Satellite Technologies Group as a "senior research engineer" and is responsible for the design of satellite communications subsystems at TUBITAK.

His research areas include RF/Analog /Mixed Signal IC and MEMS Design. He is currently working on "Sigma Delta Based CMOS PLL Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizers".

Dr. Alper Ucar

Dr. Gunes Damla Altinok

Damla completed her BSc and MSc degrees in Turkey. Her BSc degree was double major in Physics and Electronics Engineering that she received from Isik University. She graduated rank-1 with high honour in 2006. She completed her MSc in Biomedical Engineering in Bogazici University in 2008. In the meantime she worked as a teaching assistant in Isik University. Since 2008 she is a PhD student in University of Westminster. Her research areas are stability analysis of S-D modulators and S-D beamformers in medical ultrasound imaging applications.

Dr. Burak Bardak

Mr. Renan Kazazoglu








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