Prof. Emeritus Izzet KALE
IEEE Region 8 Director — Elect Candidate
Izzet Kale has been an active IEEE member/volunteer for 36+ years, is immediate past-Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Section. He is Professor Emeritus of Applied DSP and VLSI Systems, Honorary Founder Director of the Applied DSP and VLSI Research Group, and past-Institute and Research Director, College of Design, Creative and Digital Industries at the University of Westminster, London, where he was also HoD of Engineering. Previously, Kale took Academic and Industry roles including Dean of Engineering, Technical-Advisory-Board Level for Industry, delivery of numerous Applied R&D contracts for their next-generation products, notably for ESA and training/invited talks. Kale holds a B.Sc.(Hons) in Electrical-Electronic Engineering, from The Polytechnic of Central London, M.Sc. in The Design and Manufacture of Microelectronic Systems from Edinburgh University, and PhD in Techniques on Reducing Digital Filter Complexity, from The University of Westminster. He authored/co-authored of 380+ papers, 11 patents, 3 books and did 40+PhD Supervisions.
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