Prof. Emeritus Izzet KALE
IEEE Region 8 Director — Elect Candidate

IEEE Accomplishments and Activities
As Chair of IEEE UK&Ireland Section, the Largest Section in the world, Kale saw the Section membership grow and surpassing its targets and substantially improved the gender balance with women in senior Section positions rising from 8% to 34.4%.
Set up new IEEE Chapter within the UK&Ireland Section
As Section Chapter Coordinator reactivated dormant Chapters
Delivered numerous events, workshops/seminars at the UK&Ireland Section and International IEEE-Conferences.
Served as Associate Editor for IEEE-Transactions-on:
Actively involved with the IEEE-Standards Association
Active member of the IEEE-CAS Society Technical-Committees:
Education Activities
Digital Signal Processing
Work with IEEE-MCE on Conference related activities.
Several IEEE-CAS and IEEE-I&M Appreciation Certificates
IEEE UK&Ireland Section Recognition Certificate for outstanding service
Appreciation Plaque from IEEE-UK& Ireland Section's Young-Professionals
Several Region 8 awards for the Section and especially the prestigious 20th Milestone award.
Under my Leadership, IEEE UK&Ireland Section was given the 2023 IEEE Membership-Outstanding-Recruitment-Performance award.
Recognition award for exemplary dedication and service to IEEE UK&Ireland Section
Student Branch awards for my support.
Active member of the UK&I Section for 36+ years delivered many services to the Section
As Section Vice-Chair supported the Chairs in organising events and especially the Sections Christmas Lecture, that I Co-founded which is now a tradition.
IEEE-Region 8 Committee Member as Section Chair, (2022-2023)
IEEE-Region 8 Chapter-Coordination-Committee member (2022-2023-2024)
Past-Chair of:
IEEE-UK&Ireland Section (2022–2023)
Vice-Chair, IEEE-UK&Ireland Section (2020–2021)
Founder I&M-Chapter
Chapter Co-ordinator
Invited Keynote speaker at IEEE Young Professionals Events
Invited Keynote speaker at a number of IEEE WiE events
Started three IEEE Student Branches from scratch in the UK&Ireland Section and Cyprus.
Student Branch Counsellor for multiple years.
As Section Chair of the UK&Ireland Section he has supported Student Branches by funding trips to Student Congresses and events both Nationally and Internationally.
© 2024, Izzet KALE